3.2 INVENT AND DISCOVER TO CREATE: Materials and processes can be used in traditional, unique, and inventive ways.What did it feel like in your body to feel mad Was it hot What color comes to mind when you think of that feeling Pick up the crayon that represents how you feel and scribble with it or make a quick design. Close your eyes and remember what it feels like to feel mad. 3.1 INVENT AND DISCOVER TO CREATE: Use media to express and communicate ideas about an issue of personal interest Step 1: Think about a time when you’ve felt mad.2.2 ENVISION AND CRITIQUE TO REFLECT: The processes and philosophies of art and design inform interpretations in works of art.2.1 ENVISION AND CRITIQUE TO REFLECT: The critique process informs judgments about artistic and aesthetic merits in works of art.1.3 OBSERVE AND LEARN TO COMPREHEND: Artists, viewers and patrons respond to works of art using inference and empathy.1.2 OBSERVE AND LEARN TO COMPREHEND: Works of art articulate and express different points of view.1.1 OBSERVE AND LEARN TO COMPREHEND: Artists and viewers determine artistic intent by comparing and contrasting the characteristics and expressive features of art and design.